Love God, Love People, Love Life

Love God, Love People, Love Life

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Privileged Life

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to live like those you watch on t.v or see on the front of the magazine covers in the grocery aisles? Maybe even thought to yourself what it would be like if one day you received a large sum of money and never had to work again!! At some point we've all wondered about at least one of the subjects mentioned. However, today I was sitting in my office and it came to me that this is it! I'm literally living the "Privileged Life" as the Daughter of "Thee King". Sure, you may look at your current status and think that this is not where you thought that you'd be at this point in your life, or the job you thought you'd have, or unfortunately the spouse that you imagine as a child. However, what I have learned in all of my 26 years is that life is literally what you make it and when I say that, I mean in the sense of what availability you've rendered to your talents, abilities, gifts, desires, visions and dreams.

You see, many people die leaving behind what they could have done, been, seen , and or created. This is sad, but unfortunately some of us will allow that to be our lives as well. Why?.. maybe because of complacency, fear, low self esteem/perception, or maybe the lack of resources. However, that doesn't have to be your story....You have the opportunity right now to make changes, adjustments, let go of relationships, or even welcome new ones. This is literally your time to do that. You no longer have to put it off and think that only "those" people have the resources when your "DADDY IS THEE KING". You've spent far too long allowing yourself to live in limitations and wallowing in regret at the thought of where you "could have been" by now. Just stop! Every time you do that or say that you are giving life to defeat. I tell people all the time "Whatever you feed will grow and whatever you starve will die"...So start neglecting those thoughts, refuse to believe anything besides greatness for your life. Friends, this is the Privileged Life. You must realize that you are currently "at this present moment" an undiscovered diamond. Your perception of what you do and the risk you take in life will blow you away. I actually believe that you will find joy in it.

  My last post was titled "I'm dying" and since then I celebrated a birthday, ended the year (Thank God), and have graciously been blessed to see 2013. With that being said God has been revealing quite a bit, which led me to write this current post. I have been spending countless moments with the Father. I've been doing a lot of thinking, dreaming, mentally vision casting my life and can I tell you that alone has brought such joy. I wish I could share with you all of the things that the Lord has been revealing, but in due time you will know about it.  I challenge and encourage you today, to take a moment and spend some time and dream. Just find a quiet place allow your mind to relax (for once) and just think of what life would be like without any limits....Because literally, THERE ARE NONE. The only limits you have are the ones that you set for yourself. However, you've probably been told for such a long time either by yourself or by others that, you aren't cut out for that..Well, what does that even mean and who determines who is cut out for something anyway!!?? Lets stop feeding defeat....As a matter of fact lets starve it and start feeding Greatness..Lets give life to Greatness in this New Year. Its 2013 and 2012 will not be returning, so let's make the decision together to live "The Privileged Life".  At this point in your life, you are creating , developing and shaping what you will do and what you will have. Create a social cam site or youttube account where people can come and be inspired. Set a blog where people can realize the benefits of eating healthy, or the importance of not settling. Teach a workshop Budgeting. Begin a Mentorship Program where young men understand what it means to be a Man. There is so much to do, the possibilities are endless...I believe that we were all born with purpose. That purpose is based on the availability that I mentioned earlier and the listed opportunities are only some of countless ways to make a difference and embraced this blessed life! GET READY, GET SET, GO!!!!! The time is now to live the Privileged Life with your head held high, knowing who you are and whose you are!!

. The Year of "At a New Measure" 2013.

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