Have you ever felt like you were on FIRE!!!??? I don't mean literally....lol...I mean on fire for God? And have you ever felt like your heart was ablaze for the things of God and then you don't know what happens..It's like you become busy (maybe even the church) or maybe you feel like you've drifted away somehow but not sure how or why? Well, today I was sitting at my office thinking and spending sometime with the Lord, while listening to Anthony Evans sing "Let it Rain" and began to ask Lord to pour in my life and upon my life. My desire is that each and everyday I experience the presence of the Lord in a greater and more tangible sense then the day before. I believe that this is what happens when we "sometimes" feel like we are just going about the day in "blaah". We haven't asked the Lord to fill us. It's so important that daily we ask the Father to fill us with his Presence!
The song writer says "Better is One Day in HIS courts, than thousands elsewhere".....If we really believe that, we must proclaim it over our lives consistently. God desires to fill you today. He desires for your sometimes to be hardly ever. I'm not sure about you but I know for me I've been so busy for so long that sometimes I don't even know how to not be busy...Does that make sense? Have you ever been there? I'm sure you have at some point in your life. It's so easy to live a busy life day in and day out and not spend the needed time with the Lord consistently. Today, I was praying and this is what I wrote on a sticky note "Every area of my life is a tree, it must produce FRUIT"...This is what we should desire in every aspect of our lives To be fruitful and to make ourselves available (to bear fruit) for the benefit of others!
The picture that you see above is from a recent trip that I took to the Ancient Rain Forest in British Columbia (Canada). Can I tell you that I had never done anything like this before. I had climbed to the top of a waterfall just to take a picture! Yep, that's right...I literally climbed up this waterfall so that I could see from the top. I was convinced that the view from the top would be much better than from the bottom.Sometimes this is what our relationship with the LORD is like. We are so amazed by what we see before us that we rarely hear the voice of the Lord saying, "Come up a little higher for there is something that I want to show you"! How awesome is that. We our in awe of what God is doing at this given moment that sometimes we lose sight that THERE IS MORE!! Can I tell you today! "There is MORE that God has for you, THIS IS NOT IT..COME UP A LITTLE HIGHER". Don't get stuck in complacency of the busyness of your day. Take time to hear the still small voice of the Lord. I guarantee that there is something the Lord wants to say to you TODAY!!
I''m going to let you in on a little secret of mine....Are you ready?? Well, here you go?? I am very detailed oriented to the point of I create word documents for EVERYTHING!! Yes, I do mean everything and I also am a MASTER planner on VERY LONG TERM basis. Some people would call it driven, others might say its crazy, while others may say it's admirable. But you know what, I learned that you can take a lot of time planning your life and what you think you will do and desire to do but when you recognize that GOD IS IN CONTROL, all of your planning becomes a hobby....It's just for FUN because God makes all of the REAL DECISIONS!!! I'm learning to grab hold of the fact that God is indeed a rewarder to them that diligently seek Him, but we must BE DILIGENT!!
So today I encourage you to remember that SOMETIMES when you feel that you need a FILL come to the Father. He desires for you to never have "down" time but to live a life of unexpected blessings and the fulfillment of HIS PROMISES!! It takes time to realize that most of what you see is only the tip of what God is doing. However, when you learn to trust him HE TAKES YOU TO THE TOP and Gives you A view from where He stands...So ask the FATHER TODAY, SHOW ME HOW MY LIFE LOOKS FROM WHERE YOU ARE SITTING! I am willing and I desire to climb to whatever the height may be for YOU!
ReplyDeleteWanna make God laugh? Just tell Him YOUR plans !!!;)